Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Everybody loves the joys of the world. When we fill that joy inside of us created from within and with another, the love will blossom and joy will come out. 

How special it must be to conceive that joy in true happiness....

You wanted him,
I guess you got him, in a way.

The thought of having a child with someone not giving their all, for them to stay... 

I don't understand.

I mean, I understand the thought of losing someone you love.
But to purposely turn that water into blood.

When you knew that the air wasn't clean enough for joy to breathe.

You said that it was an accident, and that you were in the moment. 

I guess I can't argue with that, I wasn't there 
but I remember when we had that conversation about him....

You were scared.

You said you saw him with her. They were touching in some kind of way.
I ask how, when, and where.
You didn't elaborate.

Don't get me wrong every body wants their little piece of Joy.

But what I don't understand, why you couldn't wait. Wait for the love you deserve. 
Now, because of joy, I think you're getting false words...

Words that just won't stand.
He has never been that man.

It is his joy, 
But it's not y'alls.

I've seen this before, when duty calls, he'll try...

but for only so long...

Can he lie.

To himself, 

And you to yourself.

I really hope I'm wrong ...

Because in the end, it's all about that wonderful, sweet, amazing, powerful joy.

Joy. The reason for it all.

-Ebony 03/13/2014 ;)

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